Monday, September 16, 2013

Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship

Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship, Human Creation, Transportation, Ship, Boat, Sail Ship, Sail Boat,
Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship

About Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship

Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship is a traditional sailing boat from Indonesia who came from Bugis and Makassar in South Sulawesi Tribe. Pinisi ships generally have two main masts and seven screens, three on the front end, two in front and two behind. When you sail on the sea of Indonesia, will meet with one of the ship's outstanding traditional. Pinisi ship has sailed centuries to Malacca, Burma, Vietnam, and Australia. You can see the traditional boat rests in the port of Makassar Paotere, in the port of Sunda Kelapa in Jakarta, Surabaya in Ujung wharf, where demolition wood from Kalimantan, even in the small port of Labuan Bajo on Flores.

Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship Bugis Peoples Indonesia

Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship Bugis Peoples Indonesia , Pinisi boats generally used for the transport of goods between islands in the archipelago. Bugis and Mandar people originating from South Sulawesi are shipbuilders as well gob reliable. Phinisi ships have brought the Bugis sailing in the archipelago to Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Papua and Nusa Tenggara islands. Bugis people are not only known as a reliable shipbuilder but also as a pirate in fear.

History of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship

History of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship are 18th century when the Dutch colonized the archipelago, many aristocrats sailed to Malaysia and Borneo. Sultan Kutai in East Kalimantan as well as Johor and Selangor in Malaysia is the Bugis descent. The hinterland of the original Bugis are in Luwu Bone Bay.

History of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship is 13th century was a time of growth and 14 Bugis kingdom. One of the greatest literary works of the Bugis people born in this era of "I La Galigo" . This literary work contains the story of the origins of Bugis with more than 6,000 pages thick. Included on the first ship Pinisi once made by Sawerigading, Crown Royal Luwu to sail to China had wanted to woo the Chinese princess named Cudai. Sawerigading are successfully sailing to the country of China and memperisteri Princess Cudai. After a long stay in the country of China, Sawerigading go back to his Kongdom using Pinisi to Luwu. Towards the entrance waters Luwu big wave hit the ship and Pinisi split three stranded in the village of Ara, Tanah Beru, and Lemo - Lemo. Three village communities are then assemble fragments of the ship into the boat which was later renamed Pinisi.

The Great Transporter of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship

The Great Transporter of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship, Pinisi Bugis sailing ships weighing 100-200 tons and it is still an important role as a traditional transport in inter- island trade. 19th century Bugis boat once used to transport goods from Europe and China from Singapore to Dobo in the Aru islands in East Nusa Tenggara and then stopped at a remote dock along the path. Of the Indonesian archipelago they collect bird of paradise feathers, sandalwood, spices, gold, and red pepper. They sell these items at high prices to the Chinese traders in Singapore and India.

The Great Transporter of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship, Currently, Pinisi Bugis sailing ship carrying a small cargo contains logs, cement, tile house, rice, sugar, cigarettes, to motorcycles to be sold throughout the island. Pinisi Bugis traditional sailing ship is also equipped with the tools to stay in the sea for divers. Sturdy ship is now equipped cabins, kitchen, and bathroom, as well as diving expedition equipment to park in Flores and Komodo Raja Ampat National Park, near Sorong in West Papua. Phinisi sailboats can be found on the southern coast of South Sulawesi, centered around Bulukumba in Tana Beru. Here you can see an impressive shipbuilding with traditional tools.

The Journey of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship

There are two types of vessels: first phinisi Lamba or lambo. The modern Pinisi that still stands to this day and is using a machine. The second is Palari, the early form phinisi with the curved hull and smaller size of this type of Lamda . Meanwhile phinisi Bugis sailing ship large that it is now imitating the West sailboat 19th century. There was also a version of the magnitude of the former Bugis boat, known as the Boat Patorni and Padewakang. Phinisi ship which is one of the traditional ship pride of Indonesia and is unique in its manufacture. Generally, such ships in the West, first order ships made new walls. While phinisi ship, creating a new start with the wall after the first case.

Construction of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship Design

Pinisia ship construction is a combination of ancient traditional knowledge and experience with rigorous rituals that must be followed to ensure safety at sea. The craftsmen of this boat must calculate a good day to start a search of wood as raw material. Usually falls on the fifth and seventh month running. Figures 5 ( naparilimai dalle'na ) which means the provision already in hand. While the number 7 (natujuangngi dalle'na ) means always sustenance. After a good day can then foreman called a "retainer" to lead the search. There is no draft or notes written in the paper to make the ship Pinisi. A retainer has all the detail design Pinisi only in their heads.

The Craftsman of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship is Bugis People

Although the craftsman ship is often referred to as the Bugis, but they are divided into four sub- tribes. Konjo fourth is in the southern part of South Sulawesi (Ara, Bira and Tanah Biru), Mandar in West Sulawesi to the north of Makassar, Bugis in the area around the eastern part of the Gulf of Bone Wajo, and the area around the city of Makassar in Makassar. In between all that, Konjo is the most influential in the shipbuilding phinisi.

Expedition of Pinisi Traditional Sail Ship

Pinisi expedition ship is the famous Indonesian archipelago Pinisi had sailed to Vancouver, Canada, takes 62 days in 1986. In 1987, there was another boat expedition Padewakang, "Heart marige" to Darwin, Australia, following the classic route. Then Ammana Gappa Expedition to Madagascar, last voyage to Japan Pinisi Damar Segara. Read Previous Articles: Unique Tree of Dragon Blood Dracaena Cinnabari, Women Shape Lips on His Desire.

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